The Spice Odyssey
The Spice Odyssey

Hi everyone!

Welcome to The Spice Odyssey. We are a husband-wife duo taking you on a culinary adventure around the world sharing our personal recipes, food memoirs, and historical anecdotes using an anthropological perspective and enticing food photography.

Adiba (the wife) is the culinary expert, recipe developer, writer, pretty plates collector and overall visionary for The Spice Odyssey. Arafat (the husband) is the photographer, videographer, editor, food stylist, and general picky eater of the team.

Come join us on this odyssey for foods around the world, how they came to be, and what makes them so darn delicious!

Follow us on Instagram — @TheSpiceOdyssey — to stay up to date on our recipes and outings. Check out our Pinterest — TheSpiceOdyssey — for tips & tricks and more musings.

Reach out to us if you want to work together or just say hello!
